Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Presentation Skills

To become a successful scholar one needs to possess a lot of significant traits, because research work requires unique capabilities and a great strive for work. However, a great scholar is not only the person who is doing research and then writes a dissertation or a thesis on the results of the research. Nobody will pay attention to your work if you do not have good or even remarkable presentation skills. To become successful, one needs to learn how to present the work in a proper and original way.

Appropriate presentations are important in a way that they reflect your work, on the one hand, and involve others in your research, theme, on the other hand. Essays are various by their type, size, level and difficulty. Still, no matter what kind of paper you present, it can be a description essay or an argument essay or a thesis; you have to present it accordingly. When you choose argument essay topic and work it thoroughly on, researching the issue, you have to bear one crucial thing in mind: what can be said about the matter in front the audience. What kind of information should be expressed and what is the best way to do it. Your written text, if it is an argument evaluation essay for example, should carry argumentative assumptions and be indeed convincing. Writing an argument essay requires deep research of the matter and an appropriate form the research is to be put. Under certain circumstances buying a description essay or argument and persuasion essay online may be a way out, but not everything that you want to express will be included in the paper. When presenting your paper you should follow certain rules, which can become an important part of your overall communication technique. Option no 1: you have to look well, meaning, accurate, elegant but never showy. You should look formal, because you present your work in the face of serious scholars and have to be one of them. There is a margin between original elegance, while being formal, and excessive personality exposure. You should be an example of the first notion when presenting your paper. The second key pattern is: as a speaker you have to set a contact with the audience. Thus don’t look on the walls, ceiling, floor etc. Audience is your target. It is the audience that will determine presentation’s success or failure. You should try to look over the whole auditorium; if you get involved into communication process, then the audience will be gradually involved as well. For deeper and more interesting communication, try to present you work in a way that would arouse questions and discussions. You have to make an impression of a confident but easy-going, intelligent and interesting person. Formality of the presentation does not prohibit being humorous and charming to some extent. However, this extent should be kept and not abused. Some helpful things such as the board, the schemes, the screen and other stuff can be a plus for your presentation, inasmuch as they will attract additional attention and bring interest for the audience.

The final significant point of your success is your voice. You should sound persuasive and confident. Only when you believe in what you are speaking about, the listeners will believe you.

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