Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Top 10 Writing Tools For Helpless Students Revealed

What to do when you don’t have a good head for writing, but your teacher wants you to write a splendid article, short story, or an essay? Don’t get upset so easily! You mustn’t be a born storywriter to get an excellent grade for a composition or some other paper work. With the right strategy writing can become your strong point; it can be even fun.

You must have experienced it million times: whenever you are required to submit some paper, you don’t have a clue how to approach writing, what to write about, how to start, or finish the story. Numerous pieces of advice from your friends don’t come in handy, and, what’s more important, don’t help you get things moving. After several efforts you end up helpless, and, on top of everything, absolutely exhausted and worn-out.

But it’s all over now because I have discovered some sizzling writing tools that will definitely facilitate your writing process and make it as easy as ABC. They are simple to apply and tempting to give a try. So, calm yourself down and find out the best writing tools that can work miracles!

Tool # 1 First of all take it easy! Being nervous and anxious will only worsen the matter, and let all your brilliant ideas (and, believe me, they are brilliant) escape from your grip. Instead of being nervous, calm yourself down by any possible means. You shouldn’t spend sleepless nights for the sake of just one piece of writing that doesn’t play extremely important role in your academic performance. There is always an opportunity to make your grades higher.

Tool # 2 Take plenty of time to get ready. Brilliant ideas never come out of the blue. Try to figure out what makes your spirits flow high and your mind work efficiently. Make sure you are not distracted and focused on your topic.

Tool # 3 Put your pen away and think what the purpose of your writing is. Identify your general subject matter and narrow it down to the topic statement. Your topic should be specific and brief, but at the same time substantial to give enough room to uncover your thoughts and ideas.

Thus, a great variety of new approaches to the existing subject matter will make your writing assignment versatile and breathtaking. However, be consistent in your writing and always confine yourself to the topic under consideration. Don’t stray away from your main idea and avoid any ambiguous points.

Be sure to develop the topic at hand in a sufficient number of paragraphs, and then come out with the conclusion pressing on the message you wanted to deliver and leaving the reader dumb-struck. Who will be able to resist such an influence of yours?!

Tool # 4 Simultaneously think of your target audience. Is it a boss eager to see bare statistics, a group of teenagers willing to witness some true-to-life-and-still-unique examples, or your teacher who wants an abundance of sophisticated words and phrases from you?

Once you make up your mind, think of the appropriate backup, style, and word usage. And now let your pen write a masterpiece!

Tool # 5 While writing, be simple and clear. Don’t try to sound like a 50-year-old granny with life-long experience behind her shoulders or a PhD with scientific lexis, when you’re a simple teenager from the street. Just make your words sound natural and up to the point.

Though, don’t stuck on simplicity, add some zest to your paper that will make your work stand out from heaps of other students’ papers. Let your sentences be short and easy to contemplate, seek original images, and think of some interesting names. In a nutshell, be both simple and original, and always follow the format requirements for your writing assignment.

Tool # 6 Yet to create an impression of an educated and smart writer, use some backup in the form of quotations, proverbs, extracts from some well-known books, your own, or somebody else’s experience. It will make the reader believe in what you’re saying and prove your rich fund of knowledge.

Tool # 7 Another successful strategy to write a strong introduction and well-grounded conclusion is to use a good quote in the beginning and a strong quote in the end. This truth is as old as the hills. So, my advice to you is to look out for some impressive and thought provoking quotes of famous people that will help you trigger off your writing process and give you much food for thoughts. Though, beware of some stale and battered ideas, which can spoil your paper.

Tool # 8 Don’t be afraid to experiment a bit: play with words, and remember that even the most
serious topic can be turned out into an amusing story. Stay away from clichés and battered things, and do not exaggerate. Look for the gold mean between the extremes.

Tool # 9 Read and proofread your writing several times. Be critical, but not
too harsh on yourself. It is better to proofread your paper few days after writing, when you mind is cool, your head is not cluttered with different stuff, and you can objectively evaluate your piece of writing.

One proven writing strategy prompts to ask for proofreading a friend, a parent, or a familiar editor, surely if you know any. When you are right and ready, submit your writing to the teacher. Do not forget to do it with a beaming smile on your face.

Tool # 10 If your paper wasn’t approved by the professor, don’t panic, stay positive, and appeal to some good writing tools that will help you make your writing better. Analyze your mistakes, and try to avoid them next time you will get down to writing. Thus, you will find a rule of thumb that works just for you.

Hope that now you have got the main idea about how to approach the writing process in general and academic writing in particular. Be sure to harness these miraculous writing tools that have undergone real-life testing and see how enjoyable your writing will become. I advise you to use these helpful writing tips on an on-going basis, and in the course of time you will be able to set afoot even the most perplexing writing task.

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